Joni B

The very idea.



Every once in a while, something will happen in your life to make you actually look at your life and the things around you. I find myself in that situation. For many years, I’ve wanted to get out of Savannah – move on to bigger and better things. This morning, as I was walking, I found myself appreciative of this small town I grew up in. I love it. I love that I know every teacher that my children will ever have. I love that the teachers wear HCHS Tigers T-shirts on Fridays – not because they have child in high school, but just simply because OUR team plays that night. I love that if I walk down the street and see a shirt in the window I like, I can walk in and just say, “Charge this to me, Bruce.” I like that I don’t HAVE to buy my clothes from Harolds or send my child to a school that costs more than his college education will. I love that I can talk to the millionaires and the ones on welfare in the same day and not think differently of anyone according to what they have or don’t have. I love that I can be anywhere I want to be within 5 minutes. I love Mrs. Geneva’s purple flowers that I get to walk by on my way to watch the sun set behind the river. I can see the stars at night, hear the birds and the crickets. I love that everyone knows my boy and feels like they can jerk him up for a good “whoopin'” should he need it. I love that they stand behind him and encourage him even in his failures. I’m glad I can use the word whoopin’ and nobody looks down their noses at me. I love that people can just stop by without having to have an invitation. I love my rocking chair on the front porch. I love that I don’t have to worry constantly about locking my doors or windows. What a grand and glorious place Savannah is. Thank You, Lord – how could I ask for more?

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